
Showing posts from February, 2018

Want to prevent joint pain

Looking to reduce joint pain or prevent it before it happens, Turmeric is a great supplement to take to help with Joint Pain I was going to crossfit three times a week and gave my body plenty of rest and felt fine. Then I started training for a marathon and was running almost every day on top of the already three days a week of crossfit. That is a lot of wear n tear on your joints, just from the running alone. I starting feeling a little achy and knew it was going to get worse if I didn't do something to help my body recover. I started researching for supplements that helped with joint pain and their are three that really stood out to me; Turmeric, Glucasamine, and MSM. Turmeric is a root plant grown in Asia that is yellow in color and usually dried and made into a powder. Curcumin is the main ingredient found in turmeric that gives it the powerful anti- inflammatory effects. It has been used for years with arthritic patients and is now being used to help prevent joint pa