Want to prevent joint pain

Looking to reduce joint pain or prevent it before it happens, Turmeric is a great supplement to take to help with Joint Pain

I was going to crossfit three times a week and gave my body plenty of rest and felt fine. Then I started training for a marathon and was running almost every day on top of the already three days a week of crossfit. That is a lot of wear n tear on your joints, just from the running alone.

I starting feeling a little achy and knew it was going to get worse if I didn't do something to help my body recover. I started researching for supplements that helped with joint pain and their are three that really stood out to me; Turmeric, Glucasamine, and MSM.

Turmeric is a root plant grown in Asia that is yellow in color and usually dried and made into a powder. Curcumin is the main ingredient found in turmeric that gives it the powerful anti- inflammatory effects. It has been used for years with arthritic patients and is now being used to help prevent joint pain for athletes. The Arthritis foundation suggest 400-600 mg of turmeric up to three times a day for maximal inflammation relief. You can get this in a tablet or powder.

Glucosamine is a natural compound found in your own cartilage, the rubbery tissue that cushions bones at your joints. As you age, your body doesn't produce as much and begins the breakdown of your joints. By consuming Glucosamine, it will help prevent your bodies natural breakdown of cartilage. Glucosamine also has an anti inflammatory benefit which will help alleviate joint pain. The recommended dosage is 500-1500 mg a day.

MSM stands for Methyl Sulfonylmethane. It is a naturally occurring form of sulfate that helps support muscle and tendons in the body. MSM is usually combined with Glucosamine or chondroitin and has been proven to be twice as effective when taken together. It is recommended to take between 500 and 1500 mg a day.

I found turmeric in a tablet and take 2 capsules daily.They are pretty large, if your not good at swallowing pills, I would suggest consuming this in powder form. I also found a tasteless powder of collagen, msm, glucosamine and chondroitin which can be mixed with any beverage.

Gupta, S.C., Patchva, S., Koh, W., & Aggarwal, B.B. (2012). Discovery of Curcumin, a component of the golden spice, and its miraculous biological activities. Clincial and Experimental Pharmacology & Physiology, 283-299.


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